UP Police -Reasoning -Ability ( Verbal- and Non- Verbal) are describe reasoning . Reasoning part is include topic like us Odd One Out , Direction , Analog , Blood Relations and Order AND Ranking , tricks, methods, etc.
Author :- Neelakshi Das
Publisher :- Plutus Academy
Language :- English
Year :- 2022
Weight :- 330 gm
Number of Pages :- 250
Type of E-Book :- Printed
Exam :- UP Police
UP Police -Reasoning -Ability ( Verbal- and Non- Verbal)
UP Police -Reasoning -Ability ( Verbal- and Non- Verbal) are describe reasoning . Reasoning part is include topic like us Odd One Out , Direction , Analog , Blood Relations and Order AND Ranking , tricks, methods, etc.
UP Police -Reasoning -Ability ( Verbal- and Non- Verbal) syllabus are given below ,
- Odd One Out, Direction
- Analogy, Blood Relations
- Order AND Ranking
- Coding AND Decoding
- Syllogism
- Low Level Puzzles
- Problems On English Alphabet
- Codded equations
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- For subject notes related any issue student can call our customer support on 0120-4160241.
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